The scan will work on any computer running Microsoft Windows ME (Millennium Edition) or Windows Server 2000 or higher as long as Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher is installed (this is standard as of Windows Vista). Apple Mac computers are supported starting macOS 10.13 (High Sierra). All current web browsers are supported (limited support for Internet Explorer 8 and earlier). Administrator rights and support for JavaScript are preferred but not required.
Will really nothing be installed?
Unless you choose to install the ScanCircle app (available since Windows 10), for a single scan you will only be asked to confirm that you want to download/run the scan program. The scan program (less than 250kB) will be downloaded (to the standard Download folder or to a location selected by you) and executed once to retrieve the scan data. So the scan program:
will not be installed (no administrator rights required);
will not be listed with the installed programs;
will not be included in the Windows Start menu;
will not be automatically started.
What is the easiest way to perform a scan?
If you are on Windows 10 or beyond and want to run the scan regularly, then install the ScanCircle app and run it from the Windows Start menu. Otherwise, select 'Run scan' or 'Single scan' to download and run the scan program once.
How can I see what information is retrieved?
If you select the 'Manual mode' (click the 'More information' link or use the ScanCircle app, if available for your operating system), then you can view and save the scan data before deciding to have it sent to the ScanCircle server. If you like, you can manually upload the scan file on the website so that you are sure that no extra information is sent.
How long does a scan take?
The scan itself takes on average about 10-15 seconds, after which the scan results are sent to the ScanCircle server (1-2 seconds) and the advices are calculated (approx. 10 seconds). The scan is this fast because only system services are queried instead of doing entire disk or memory scans. Sometimes however the scan may take (much) longer, but that usually only happens on slow or erroneous devices with e.g. limited memory.
Can I scan devices without an Internet connection?
Yes, on a working device you can download the scan program and save it to a removable medium. Then you can run the scan program directly of the removable medium on the defect device, which will give you the opportunity to save the scan file to the removable medium. Finally, you can manually upload the scan file on the working device to view the advice for the defect device.
The scan does not work on my device
Please check the Frequently Asked Questions on the scan page.
What can I do if an advice is incorrect?
Click on the advice to see the details. Then you can set the check mark to indicate that you want to ignore the advice and your score will be recalculated. In addition, your choice is forwarded to us so that we can remember it for your device and may correct the advice in the database (e.g. if more people indicate that they want to ignore the advice). To stop ignoring an advice, just clear the check mark or use the link 'Undo all' in the legend for the checklist to undo this for all advices for this device.
I have another general question about ScanCircle
Please submit it using the contact form. If this question is frequently asked, we will add it to this page.